Friday, April 20, 2012

A ninja's 8th birthday!

Hey there!

April 2nd was my son's 8th birthday and with him taking kung-fu classes, he wanted to have a ninja themed birthday. I didn't have as much time as I would've wanted to prepare his big party this year, but I thought: "hey! Having fun with friends and family is what birthday parties should be about, right?"....
Yea, of course it was just an excuse for me not to feel like a bad mother!

Here are pics of the party:

Candy sushis! YUMM!

On the first platter: rice krispies rolls with gummy worms and licorice inside, white royal icing with red balls sprinkles-thingies on top and chocolate pocky sticks! My favorites are the strawberry ones, but they are pink, so yeah.... not very boy-ish...
Second platter: Rice krispies "nigiri" with gummy sharks, licorice and cinnamon balls.
I wanted them to look more candy-ish than real life, which, imo, wouldn't have been as appetizing for the kids.

Then, how could we have a ninja party without ninjago? But, since I ain't a big fan of commercial characters, they only made a small appearance in the event, and my son was very happy with it!

Banner I made:

This one was very easy to make! I bought a red plastic tablecloth that I cut in half at the dollar store (1$), printed my son's name and the yin yang symbol on plain white paper (actually, that's half the paper for each letter.. 5.5" x 8.5"). I used black ribbon I had at home, used double-sided tape to tape ribbon to tablecloth then letters to ribbon! For the hanging thing, I used a small pvc pipe remnant I had. Folded the top of the tablecloth, taped it in place, inserted the pipe inside, threaded black twine (on hand, again), trough the pipe and made a double knot on top! He loved that too, it's now hanging in his bedroom!

Of course, for me a kid's b-day party isn't complete without the party favors! I found a tutorial to make a cute plushie a while back, pinned it so I wouldn't lose it! And here it is: Plushie tutorial. I used it as the base for the ninjas (felt), and made my own eyes! The hair for the pink one (which was supposed to be for a little girl that couldn't come) is simple acrylic yarn. I made 2 blues, 2 greens, 2 oranges, 1 black (I know! Just one black ninja! But the stores all seemed to be out of black and felt!) 1 pink. Love them!!!!

Here is a shot of all the kids together. Little b-day boy is the one on the bottom left! (sorry about the silly face and the blurry pic, first: I have to get a new camera, my old one broke and this is a crappy phone cam! and second: They were all on a sugar high, that was the very BEST I could do!)

And here is my big boy, at the end of the day, he really doesn't look like it on there (he's tryin' a look cool, yo!) but he had a blast and told me he was proud of me for organizing such a fun party for his b-day! Yup, he said that... And yup, mama got teary eyes when he said it XD

Now I know what you're thinking, WHAT! NO CAKE? hum... yes, there was one... no, I ain't got no pic... no, I wasn't going to take one and just forgot! ... The cake was a lie... oops, sorry, old habits ( hehe) the cake was a wreck! Poor kid, only had red-pinkish icing on it.... But, it still was good, tho!

Now, my big boy is 8 and I can't help but feel nostalgic.. Where did these last years go?
Don't they grow up WAY to fast???

What do you think?
Also, please, let me know if my english is *at least* understandable.. I am french-canadian, so having a bit of trouble with the english here!

Thanks and until next time guys! XOX
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